Optional Features

The CALLAS Edition feature give access to the VEHICLE mode for CALLAS dynamic model edition. This mode allows users to create new CALLAS dynamic vehicles models and edit existing ones (using the default CALLAS models, users do not have to start from scratch to develop their own vehicles/components).

3 levels of edition are available:

  • Development of a vehicle.
  • And/or Development of a component (powertrain, Suspension, etc.).
  • And/or Development of an ADAS.

CALLAS is a mix of functional and multi-body modelling. The objective of the functional modelling concept is to provide a flexible way to setup any technological solution; this is a necessity during the preliminary project.  The advantage of this solution is to increase calculation speed with no impact on simulation validity.

The description for each component can be:

  • Measurements / manufacturers data sheets.
  • Results from specialized simulation / design software.
  • User model (plug-in, external software, etc.).
Key features
  • The engine performances are dependent on the environmental conditions (temperature, humidity)
  • The fuel consumption and pollution are calculated
  • Electric or hybrid powertrain can be define while keeping the engine
  • Clutch, CVT and torque converter are available
  • The gearbox can have up to 20 gears, with short/long transfer, 2 reverse gears, automatic gearboxes have a lockup
  • The automatic gearbox strategy can be edited
  • Any conventional power distribution can be setup (FWD, RWD, 4WD)
  • Any kind of differentials (free, rigid, limited slip differential, viscous coupling, torsion, with locker, etc.)
  • Nonlinear suspension elasticity (spring, damper and bumps)
  • The heave suspension of racing cars is available (mono-shock or 3 suspensions)
  • Dampers are sensible to travel acceleration and temperature
  • Anti-roll bars are nonlinear and have damping effect
  • Rigid and twist beam axles are available
  • All wheels can steer with individual nonlinear laws
  • Steering torque is calculated in detailed with extract kinematics
  • Tire grip model can be one of the standard Pacejka models (Michelin, Pacejka, MFTyre up to 5.2, etc.)
  • A physical model is available; the parameters are physical data easily understandable (not pure mathematical coefficients)
  • Grip is temperature dependent
  • Inflate pressure can be changed
  • Internal hard tire for flat rolling is available
  • Tire / ground interaction is calculated in 3D with a validated theory for sharp obstacles
  • Grip depends on ground properties (dry, wet, soft ground)
  • Aquaplaning is modelled
  • There is a specific low speed model based on tire elasticity (necessary for parking manoeuvres)
  • Cruise control, automatic gearing and automatic clutch are available
  • Full wind tunnel map can be used
  • Wind in the earth referential from any direction and speed
  • Brakes can be hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical
  • Limiters can be linked to wheel/axle travel, suspension pressure, etc
  • Retarder (electrical on gearbox, driveline, or valve at exhaust pipe)
  •  It is possible to remove a load from reference state (inertia matrix is automatically recomputed)
  •  Friction depends on vehicle load
  •  The real sensors are also simulated (measurement artefacts, filtering…)
  •  User can create defects on tires, brakes, engine, steering system, clutch, suspensions …
Engine and driveline
  •  Electrical engine (with batteries and power generation by thermal engine)
  •  Instant torque is time dependent
  •  Mechanical or electrical driveline
  •  Suspensions
  •  Temperature can vary
  •  Elasto-kinematic compliance are nonlinear with hysteretic effect
  •  Steering column and rack/rod have nonlinear stiffness
  •  Power steering map is variable with speed
  •  Aerodynamics
  •  Ground effect
  •  Braking
  •  Non-linear brake torque
  •  Time response and hysteresis
  •  Temperature influence and variation
  •  Pacejka converter to physical model is available
  •  Temperature can vary
  •  Internal rubber (type ATS) for flat tire situations
  •  Vehicle can be loaded with static and mobile loads (oscillating masses or a liquid spread into several tanks)
  •  The chassis can be flexible
Included simulation modules
  •  Access to the VEHICLE mode for CALLAS Edition